

ext3, 4 のジャーナルファイルのデフォルトのサイズ

e2fsprogs にこんなコードが.

 * Find a reasonable journal file size (in blocks) given the number of blocks
 * in the filesystem.  For very small filesystems, it is not reasonable to
 * have a journal that fills more than half of the filesystem.
int ext2fs_default_journal_size(__u64 num_blocks)
	if (num_blocks < 2048)
		return -1;
	if (num_blocks < 32768)
		return (1024);
	if (num_blocks < 256*1024)
		return (4096);
	if (num_blocks < 512*1024)
		return (8192);
	if (num_blocks < 1024*1024)
		return (16384);
	return 32768;
